One of his favorite activities was hunting stags, but he did not kill the animals he hunted. The Lord of Beasts spent much of his time away from the Seelie Court roaming the Beastlands and Arvandor, or protecting various sylvan realms from incursion or attack by rapacious monsters or humanoids. At other times, the Lord of Beasts could be found living in the Feywild. Oberon himself often roamed the Beastlands and Arvandor while hunting. Like the rest of the Seelie Court, Oberon dwelled in their collective divine realm, which drifted between the planes of the Beastlands, Arborea, and Ysgard. He was also known to carry arrows of slaying for orcs, bugbears, hobgoblins, and goblins, as well as another twenty arrows specially enchanted to inflict nonlethal damage, that he used when hunting stags.

His longbow was no less magical, capable of turning up to 20 normal arrows into magicked ones each day. King Oberon possessed a staff that could be used as a changestaff once per day, as well as a magicked longsword that could be used to cast light or continual light as willed, and sunray once a day. He was an unrivaled hunter and warrior, powerful enough that even Corellon treated him with a cautious respect there. Oberon himself was attuned to fey forests he often roamed, able to both sense and affect every tree and stream. Furthermore, no natural woodland animal, faerie creature, or sentient, nonevil plant creature could be compelled to harm him. He was immune to poison, disease, polymorph effects, and death magic, and was also highly resistant to magic in general. Oberon's avatar had a number of spell-like abilities, being able to use charm person, detect charm, detect magic, detect invisibility, ESP, faerie fire, forget, goodberry, know alignment, plant growth, speak with animals, obscurement, and pass without trace (although even without magic he was nigh undetectable when in undergrowth) at will thrice each day he could use animal summoning I, II, and III, call woodland beings, conjure animals, and creeping doom. He relied less on illusion and camouflage than other members of the Seelie Court, and was unafraid of physical combat. Oberon was a stern protector and warrior, if wild and mercurial at times. He was known to wear a cloak of green leaves stitched onto brown leather. His eyes were black and wild, his hair thatched and braided and run through with brambles, and his skin was comparable in color to oak wood. Oberon appeared as a wingless, unusually tall and muscular male faerie.